






E-mail: zhihaobian@jiangnan.edu.cn


边志浩,江南大学副教授,硕导。2013年在东南大学物理系获得理学学士学位, 2018年在东南大学物365体育官方唯一入口获得理学博士学位,20189月至今在365体育官方唯一入口工作。长期从事量子通信中量子测量的物理实现、量子非局域性以及非厄米开放系统的物态调控的基础研究工作,致力于量子通信中量子解码和量子光学器件的实用化。近年来在相关领域国际学术期刊发表SCI论文30余篇,包括第一/通讯作者代表性文章Physical Review Letters1篇),Physical Review Research1篇),Physical Review A3篇)等。担任多个国内外学术期刊审稿人。


2009.9-2013.6,东南大学物理系 学士;

2013.9-2018.6,东南大学物365体育官方唯一入口 博士;

2018.9-2022.6,365体育官方唯一入口 讲师;

2022.6至今,365体育官方唯一入口 副教授。





[1] Z. H. Bian*, and H. Wu, Experimental Certification of Quantum Entanglement Based on the Classical Complementary Correlations of Two-Qubit States. Photonics, 8, 525 (2021).

[2] Z. H. Bian*, and C. Y. Yin, Experimental Demonstration of Fine-Grained Steering Inequality of Two-Qubit Mixed States. Photonics, 8, 514 (2021).

[3] Z. H. Bian, L. Xiao, K. Wang, F. A. Onanga, F. Ruzicka, W. Yi, Y. N. Joglekar, and P. Xue, Quantum information dynamics in a high-dimensional parity-time-symmetric system. Physical Review A, 102, 030201(R) (2020).

[4] Z. H. Bian, L. Xiao, K. Wang, X. Zhan, F. A. Onanga, F. Ruzicka, W. Yi, Y. N. Joglekar, and P. Xue, Conserved quantities in parity-time symmetric systems. Physical Review Research, 2, 022039(R) (2020).

[5] Z. H. Bian, A. S. Majumdar, C. Jebarathinam, K. Wang, L. Xiao, X. Zhan, Y. Zhang, and P. Xue, Experimental demonstration of one-sided device-independent self-testing of any pure two-qubit entangled state. Physical Review A, 101, 020301(R) (2020).

[6] L. Xiao, K. Wang, X. Zhan, Z. H. Bian, K. Kawabata, M. Ueda, W. Yi, and P. Xue, Observation of Critical Phenomena in Parity-Time-Symmetric Quantum Dynamics. Physical Review Letters, 123, 230401 (2019).

[7] K. Wang, X. Qiu, L. Xiao, X. Zhan, Z. H. Bian, B. C. Sanders, W. Yi, and P. Xue, Observation of emergent momentum–time skyrmions in parity–time-symmetric non-unitary quench dynamics. Nature Communications, 10, 2293 (2019).

[8] K. Wang, X. Qiu, L. Xiao, X. Zhan, Z. H. Bian, W. Yi, and P. Xue, Simulating Dynamic Quantum Phase Transitions in Photonic Quantum Walks. Physical Review Letters, 122, 020501 (2019).

[9] L. Xiao, X. Qiu, K. Wang, Z. H. Bian, X. Zhan, H. Obuse, B. C. Sanders, W. Yi, and P. Xue, Higher winding number in a nonunitary photonic quantum walk. Physical Review A, 98, 063847 (2018).

[10] K. Wang, C. Emary, M. Xu, X. Zhan, Z. H. Bian, L. Xiao, and P. Xue, Violations of a Leggett-Garg inequality without signaling for a photonic qutrit probed with ambiguous measurements. Physical Review A, 97, 020101(R) (2018).

[11] X. Zhan, L. Xiao, Z. H. Bian, K. Wang, X. Qiu, B. C. Sanders, W. Yi, and P. Xue, Detecting Topological Invariants in Nonunitary Discrete-Time Quantum Walks. Physical Review Letters, 119, 130501 (2017).

[12] Z. H. Bian, J. Li, X. Zhan, J. Twamley, and P. Xue, Experimental implementation of a quantum walk on a circle with single photons, Physical Review A, 95, 052338 (2017).

[13] Z. H. Bian, H. Qin, X. Zhan, J. Li, and P. Xue, A quantum walk in phase space with resonator-assisted double quantum dots, Chinese Physics B 25, 020307 (2016).

[14] Z. H. Bian, J. Li, H. Qin, X. Zhan, R. Zhang, B. C. Sanders, and P. Xue, Realization of Single-Qubit Positive-Operator-Valued Measurement via a One-Dimensional Photonic Quantum Walk, Physical Review Letters, 114, 203602 (2015).

[15] P. Xue, R. Zhang, H. Qin, X. Zhan, Z. H. Bian, J. Li, and B.C. Sanders, Experimental Quantum-Walk Revival with a Time-Dependent Coin. Physical Review Letters, 114, 140502 (2015).


[1] 参与主编《物理学(第七版)电子教案》,高等教育电子音像出版社,2021.排名2/3.



1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金, 12104186,基于广义测量的多体量子态self-test的实验研究,20221-202412月,30万元,主持,在研。

2. 江苏省自然科学基金青年基金,BK20190577,基于量子行走的高维量子态识别的实验研究,20197-20226月,20万元,主持,已结题。



1. 20237月指导学生参加“第十一届全国大学生光电设计竞赛”获得东部区赛三等奖。

2. 20234月在“第十三届江苏省高校基础物理教师上好一堂课竞赛(理论组)”中获得二等奖。

3. 202212月在江南大学“2021-2022学年公共基础课教师教考分离教学质量奖”中获得二等奖。

4. 202111月在“第十八届江苏省高校大学生物理与实验科技作品创新竞赛”中获得三等奖、优秀奖。

5. 20217月在“第九届大学生光电设计竞赛”东部区赛中获得方案赛三等奖、实物赛优秀奖。

6. 20207月在“2020年江南大学微课教学比赛”中获得三等奖。







